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Marta Almeida


PhD History

Incoming 2017

From the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)

Research Project: Argentine design of the 70s and the connections between Latin America and Europe in the realm of politics.

My research is on Argentine design of the 70s and the connections between Latin America and Europe in the realm of politics, and explores within a sociocultural framework, the cultural undercurrents of the Olympics and the Munich 1972 relationship with the World Soccer Championship, held in Argentina in 1978. Both events provide political reasons for studying crucial facts of the social history of Argentina in the 70s.

During my stay at Cologne University during October and November 2017 I attended the Academic Training Workshop and the Autumn School “Student Protest(s) in the Global South” at the Abteilung für Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte (IHILA).

Both courses were very beneficial: first, to handle the academic writing; and second, to understand the troubled years of 1960 and 1970, the period of my own research. As my subject matter is strongly connected with the History of German Sport, my research agenda started with the Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum and the Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, where I found key information about sports in original ways.

Finally, I spent several weeks at the Universitätsbibliothek Köln reading two decades of Der Spiegel magazine looking for sources of how was the daily life in Germany at those years. The comprehensive IHILA’s Library was the ideal environment to read interesting books about politics and society in Latin America. And the GSSC's bicycle was the perfect balance for mind and soul: the good effects of riding a bike in Cologne! Many times I drove from one side to other of the Rhein following the “Straßen” in form of “rings” from Ebertplatz to Chlodwigplatz.