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Jiaxin Li


MA Human Geography

Incoming 2018

From South China Normal University (China)

Research Project: The evolution of the retail sector in Guangzhou - Supermarketization and entry barriers between governmental regulations and an open market.


Hi! My name is Jiaxin Li, I am a master student at the School of Geosciences, South China Normal University. My research topic is “The evolution of the retail sector in Guangzhou——Supermarketization and entry barriers between governmental regulations and an open market”, which is a joint research project with Leda Ankel, Lena Krist, and Shali Zeng. The purpose of this study is to examine the current situation of the international retail sector, especially the food retail sector and how it is influenced / guided by an institutional network in China. It illustrates the process of supermarketization in transition China, and it takes Guangzhou as research area to explore the actors and driving forces in this process. 

Thanks to the opportunity provided by the DAAD-Network "Remapping the Global South" and the Global South Studies Center in Cologne University, I spent 14 days in Cologne. During these days, I interacted with other students and professors who are very friendly and nice, and the city view was beautiful. The memory in Cologne is super wonderful.