Juhi Priyanka Horo
PhD Geography
Incoming 2016
From Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi
I am Juhi Priyanka Hora a PhD scholar from Geography at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Since coming from a crowded place- India, Germany seems to be lonely in terms of social life. But I enjoy it this way as well. It has been a new experience being at another country and it has added a lot into my life. Being part of the student life in Cologne and being able to interact with scientists and students from different parts of the world, i.e. Germany, China, Argentina, has been an academically enriching experience.
I have been part of the field school and workshop “Transformations in the Cologne/Ruhr area” and the research here added new friends and expertise, a unique way of understanding life.